
Landscaping to Sell Your Cabo Home

If you want to help sell your Los Cabos home by maximizing its curb appeal you need some landscaping work to do.

Because Cabo is semi-arid, with a short rainy season and a desert climate, many native plants thrive with little or no water. With a little knowledge of local flora, you can make a small investment in landscaping before you sell your Cabo home, which will increase its value and help you find the right buyer.

Before you start, map the space that you plan to landscape. A rough sketch is fine, divide the project into parts so that it doesn’t seem overwhelming. You also need to consider your budget and set deadlines, even if you can expect to modify them as you make progress.

Decide which plants you want, keeping in mind what the mature size of a plant will be before deciding how close to the house to set it. Do hardscape work before you plant. Features like sheds, pathways, and decks need to be installed first.

Don’t overwhelm your property with too many plants, features, and focal points. Think long-term, which means thinking about plants that require low maintenance and need little water.

These local plants don’t require much effort or maintenance:

Agave. These succulents have large, fleshy strap-shaped leaves. Agaves are drought-resistant and grow well in containers.

Cactus. Many local cactuses have beautiful flowers and remain small enough for pots or gardens for many years.

Ocotillo. These shrubs grow up to twenty feet high and live up to a hundred years.

Palm. The seven varieties of palm in and around Cabo are widely used in local landscaping. All of these palms thrive without much care and can be planted in groups or lines.

By focusing on low-water, native plants, you can create a beautiful landscape that is in harmony with its desert surroundings and will appeal to prospective buyers.

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